Life partners now qualify for intestate succession
The Constitutional Court recently confirmed the October 2020 ruling of the Western Cape High Court that section 1(1) of the Intestate Succession Act is unconstitutional in so far as it excludes life partners in a relationship intended to be permanent, as per the definition of “spouse”. The Court ordered parliament to amend two laws to recognise the right of a …
Selling a property with defects: What you need to know
The Purchaser signs an agreement of sale with the Seller. The property is transferred into the Purchaser’s name. A month later, there were heavy rainfalls and the roof leaks. Is the Seller liable to repair the roof or the Purchaser, as the new owner? To understand which party is liable, one must appreciate the difference between latent and patent defects. …
Keeping things fair in the business race
The purpose of the Competition Act 89 of 1998(“the Act”) is to promote the efficiency, adaptability, and development of the economy, and to ensure that small and medium-sized enterprises have equitable opportunities. Certain practices, including restrictive horizontal practices, restrictive vertical practices, and abuse of dominance, are prohibited in terms of the Competition Act. The Competition Act 89 of 1998 (“the …
The increasing importance of Fidelity Fund Certificates
Property Practitioners who now need to hold a Fidelity Fund Certificate, unless excluded, to practice in terms of the Property Practitioners Act, 22 of 2019, may have certain questions regarding the application process to obtain the Certificate, its issuing from the Authority and any disqualifications from issuing, its amendment, withdrawal, and lapse thereof. A Property Practitioner needs to apply for …
Citing charges for a disciplinary hearing – Getting it right, the first time
When an employer institutes a disciplinary hearing against an employee, the employee is entitled to know and understand the nature of the charge(s) against him/her. As the employee has a right to answer or provide an explanation to the charge(s) against him/her (known as the audi alteram partem rule), employers need to make sure that they provide the employee with …
Why should I pay maintenance if I am not allowed to see my child?
Upon the birth of a child, both parents automatically have a duty to support that child. The fact that the child is born to married or unmarried parents is irrelevant. The duty is apportioned between the parents according to their respective means. S 15(1) of the Maintenance Act states that a court order for the maintenance of a child is …
Suretyship agreements: What are they and what are the requirements
A deed of suretyship is an agreement that is concluded by a creditor and a third party. The essentialia of this type of agreement are that the surety (third party) undertakes to be liable to the creditor for the due performance by the debtor of his or her obligations in terms of the principal debt. This type of agreement is …