My ex’s new partner is abusive to my children

It is important for a child to have access to both parents, and in a situation where both parents were actively involved in the child’s life, the access to both parents should be as equal as possible. As much as you don’t want to pry on your ex’s time with your children, what should you do if your ex’s new partner is abusive towards your child? Section 28(1)(d) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa states that every child has the right to be protected from maltreatment, neglect, abuse or degradation.

What defines abuse?

  • Physical Abuse: This type of abuse is one where the abuser conducts an act which leads to physical bodily harm such as bruises, cuts, burns and fractures.
  • Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse constitutes domestic violence, and is identified as a pattern of degrading or humiliating conduct towards the child.
  • Verbal Abuse: This kind of abuse may be harder to differentiate from emotional abuse; verbal abuse is the act towards the child, and emotional abuse is the result.

What to do?

A parent cannot stop the other parent from having access to a child. Visitation must be in accordance with the parenting plan. The Children’s Act stipulates that the rights of the children are the most important, and their rights should be protected, promoted and respected. The child’s emotional and intellectual needs are considered when making decisions about what is best for the child.

  • Firstly, try to speak to the person whom you have joint custody with, to try to come up with a solution before approaching legal representatives.
  • If this fails, report the suspected abuse. This report will serve in your child’s favour when in court.
  • Apply for the amendment of the parenting plan. This can include limited visitation which should be administered through the Office of the Family Advocate.
  • Only three people may request amendment or termination of the agreement:
  1. Parents of the child,
  2. The child, or
  3. A person who is acting in the interest of the child.

Rights can be minimised or terminated by the court


  • The Children’s Act Explained. (2017). [ebook] p.3. Available at: [Accessed 12 Jun. 2017].

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