Today’s crippling economy has caused retrenchment to become a very real thing faced by many employees all over the world. For companies to be more efficient and to reduce costs, retrenching their current employees becomes the only solution. In the worst-case scenario, companies need to retrench their employees to keep their doors open.
During the retrenchment consultation process, many people experience a mix of emotions, ranging from anger, utter panic and even humiliation. Others even experience positive emotions or feelings of excitement as they get to move on to the next chapter in their career and life. Keep in mind, whatever emotions you may be feeling before and after the retrenchment process, is completely normal and have been experienced by many others before you. Always remember that if you are retrenched, it does not necessarily mean that your performance as an employee was poor.
You never think that you will be retrenched, but in case you are, here are some helpful and proactive tips to get you back on your feet and start a new job or career on the right foot:
- Embrace the change
No one likes a sudden change in their career path that you weren’t completely prepared for. You could, however, embrace this change, as you cannot control what has already happened, but you can influence your future by taking proactive steps.
- Make a list of your dream jobs
To help you to decide what you want to do with your career or where you want to go professionally, you can create a list of all the companies you would like to work for and think will be a good fit for you professionally as well as personally.
- Make payment arrangements
Make sure to cut back on unnecessary luxuries, and make payment arrangements in advance.
- Update your résumé
Make sure that your résumé is updated and includes all the necessary information. You only have one opportunity to catch your potential employer’s attention with your résumé, so do not use a generic résumé. Ensure that your résumé is relevant to the job you are applying for.
- Contact recruitment agencies
Make sure to contact recruitment agencies in your area and register yourself on the job portals available to you. This way, you will be informed of all the career opportunities at the click of a button, making your job search easier and more convenient.
- Be available
Always ensure that you are available for potential job interviews, and show up for these interviews thoroughly prepared so that you can land your dream job.
Always remember, retrenchment is not necessarily a bad thing, as it can enable you to focus on yourself and take that next step in your career that will bring you closer to attaining all your professional goals.
This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)