A business interruption insurance policy typically caters for a decrease in turnover or profit (depending on the type of cover); an increase in operating expenses and a move to a temporary location (if necessary). The question arises whether or not COVID-19 qualifies as an insured event which could lead to a valid and enforceable insurance claim? The short-term insurance sector …
Moving regulations during the lockdown
We’ve all felt like it – the hairs on the back of your neck standing up, sure someone is keeping an eye on you, watching as you receive a DVD box set that was for some reason labelled “essential” on the online store, sneaking in at 09:20 after the morning jog you were sure was shorter yesterday, or absent-mindedly fixing …
Relying on vis major clause in a contract in times of COVID-19
Vis major clauses Many businesses will seek to rely on the enforcement of vis major clauses to relieve their performance of certain obligations resulting from the COVID-19 outbreak. The term vis major refers to an event or occurrence, which renders contractual performance impossible. These clauses allow a contracting party to escape the normal consequences of non-performance or late performance of contractual obligations because of …
The new age of property viewings has arrived
The real estate industry has always been known for utilising the latest technologies available to bring buyers and sellers together. From announcements at Town Hall gatherings to the printing presses, the introduction of radios and television sets in households, and finally the World Wide Web, property practitioners have always been on the lookout for the best means to publicise property. …